Okay, so the Zen Word game doesn't have the "best" dictionary. No online game will have the same word set that my brain has stored. This game is missing older versions of key verbs, so HATH and SAITH are not there, however many times they show up in the Bible. But THEE and THOU ar(t). It's weird when a singular or plural is accepted but not both. So it accepts MEDS but not MED, REC but not RECS. Don't ask me how it accepts GLOP but not GLOOP, takes BONG and BING but not BOING. WONK and THO and VAIL are ok but NAV and ZIN (short for Zinfandel, the wine, a valid Scrabble word) and LITH are not? As far as artifacts go, TOR (the monument) is okay but TORC (the necklace) is not? Each game decides on what to censor. This game accepts PEE, PEED, PEES, POO (etc) and PORN where the other word unscramblers did not. Words that are considered racist, or gender-related insults are blocked, and I won't type those here. But it does ta...
A blog of word lore and word-based games.