For me, the word BIOME hardly ever came up until Minecraft started adding more and more biomes with its updates; there are even mods like Biomes O' Plenty that specialize in creative world generation. A BIOME is essentially an ecosystem or local environment, not to be confused with the BIOTA which is the sum of all FLORA (plants) and FAUNA (animals) that live in the area. You can also include the MICROFAUNA, which are all the microscopic denizens of a biome. These are fairly recent words, with BIOME dated back to 1916 and BIOTA back to 1901. A less common word for biome is BIOTOPE, which dates to 1927, peaked in the 1970s and is now very obscure. And then a group of related biotopes is a BIOCHORE. Oddly, the Google Ngram for " biome,biota,biotope " shows that BIOTA hit a peak in 1978. If you add biochore to the chart, it doesn't even register, but it's in the [MW] dictionary. I wondered briefly what word took over that namespace, and figured it would be ...
A blog of word lore and word-based games.