The suffix -ology is a Latin one, meaning a study or branch of knowledge. It's getting a bit abused these days, crammed onto non-Latin words to make things sound smart. I'm sorry, but they just bother me. It's like mixing apples and oranges. I will use Google Ngrams to find when each word comes into play. Angelology - the study of angels? I'm surprised I couldn't find a more academic word for this. MW has the first known use going back to 1663. On my Ngram searches, the word starts to appear as far back as 1830. There is a definitive work - Angelology by George Clayton (1851) - that does establish the age of the word and gives is a boost that it never comes back down from. And the word is in the Universal American Dictionary as far back as 1861. Bumpology - This is a sarcastic name for "Phrenology", the disgraced old study of measuring the bumps on people's heads to determine their personality and values. This one gets a thumbs up for being an...
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